Juvenile and Family Court Journal, Vol. 70, No. 4 - Special Issue: Twenty Years of the Greenbook Cover Download Resource

Juvenile and Family Court Journal, Vol. 70, No. 4 - Special Issue: Twenty Years of the Greenbook

By National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges

Published: March 4, 2020
Resource Type: Publications from RCDV:CPC & NCJFCJ

This special issue of the Juvenile and Family Court Journal celebrates over 20 years of hard work by advocates, service providers, agency staff and administrators, judges and court personnel, researchers, policymakers, and others across the U.S. and beyond to improve the society's response to the co-occurrence of domestic violence and child maltreatment in families. It also looks forward and points to work that still needs to be accomplished to meet the goals originally outlined in Effective Interventions in Domestic Violence and Child Maltreatment: Guidelines for Policy and Practice.

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Articles included in this special issue:

  • Forward by John Romero, Ramona Gonzalez, Joey Orduna Hastings, Maurice Portley, and Melissa Sickmund
  • Introduction: Twenty Years of the Greenbook by Lucy Salcido Carter and Jeffrey L. Edleson
  • Research Foundations of Greenbook Interventions to Address the Co-Occurrence of Child Maltreatment and Adult Domestic Violence by Megan R. Holmes, Anna E. Bender, David S. Crampton, Laura A. Voith, and Dana M. Prince
  • Evolving Federal Policies and their Implications for Greenbook Interventions by Kiersten Stewart
  • The Santa Clara County Greenbook Story: From Theory to Transformation by Judge Leonard Edwards (Ret.) and Judge Katherine Lucero
  • Advocacy Perspectives on the Greenbook: Interviews with Domestic Violence Advocates from Three Federally Funded Greenbook Sites by Lucy Salcido Carter
  • The Greenbook and the Overrepresentation of African American, Hispanic, and Native American Families in the Child Welfare System by Judge Karen Aileen Howze (Ret.) and Associate Judge Anne K. McKeig
  • Building on the Greenbook: A Perpetrator Pattern-Based Approach to Improve Child Welfare's Response to Domestic Violence by David Mandel and Claire Wright


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