Identifying and Reinforcing Resiliency in Children Exposed to Maltreatment and Domestic Violence: Some Initial Considerations Cover Download Resource

Identifying and Reinforcing Resiliency in Children Exposed to Maltreatment and Domestic Violence: Some Initial Considerations

By Gene Siegel, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges

Published: October 1, 2019
Resource Type: Court Responses

This is the first in a series of technical assistance briefs on resiliency by the Resource Center on Domestic Violence: Child Protection and Custody, a project of the NCJFCJ. This brief focuses on clarifying and refining the concept of resiliency, provides an overview of the research on this important topic, and offers some initial considerations as courts attempt to further reinforce resiliency in applicable cases.


Resource Center on Domestic Violence: Child Protection and Custody.


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