10 Ways to Find Help with Your Case Cover Download Resource

10 Ways to Find Help with Your Case

By Amanda Kay, JD, National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges

Published: September 1, 2016
Resource Type: Publications from RCDV:CPC & NCJFCJ

If you are the victim of domestic violence and need legal help, this guide will help you find someone who can help you with your case. A lawyer who knows about domestic violence may be the best person to help. Parts of this guide will give you ideas about how to find one. However, you may not be able to find a lawyer to represent you in court. This guide also gives you ideas of other ways to get help with your case without a lawyer. This quick guide has links to websites that may help you and some national telephone numbers.


Resource Center on Domestic Violence: Child Protection and Custody.


1-800-52-PEACE or 1-800-527-3223
Email : info@rcdvcpc.org


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